Rodent Management Service
Rats and mice can cause structural damage to homes, apartments, offices, and virtually any type of building through gnawing, nest-building, and defecation. Mice will chew on just about anything that they see as useful in building their nests. This could be wood, paper, cloth, books, etc. A mouse will gnaw and burrow into upholstered furniture – or seats of cars – to create a hidden, snug nest.
Insulation is not safe from mice either. They will tunnel into insulation inside walls and attics, either to make a home or to gather soft materials for their nests. Mice also will chew on the insulation around wires. This has been known to cause a real threat of fire. Mice will even build their nests in large electrical appliances, again chewing on or through insulation and wiring, which can cause the appliance to short circuit, malfunction, or lead to the risk of fire.
The mice have no respect for any item … they will gnaw on and into just about any chewable item that is stored in the attic, basement, garage or closet – including irreplaceable family heirlooms, valuable paintings, and important documents. And the more hidden away and undisturbed an item or area is, the more likely a mouse or rats to see it as a comfortable, secure home.
Then, when that mouse travels around your home seeking nesting materials, food, and water, it will leave behind urine trails and fecal droppings. Not only do these contaminate the surfaces (and foods) on which they land and because the potential spread of disease, they also leave a scent trail for other mice – letting them know this is a great place to live!