Cockroach Management Service
Cockroaches are an entirely different story. For starters, they can cause a wide variety of health problems. Roaches have been known to carry a whopping 33 different kinds of bacteria, not to mention multiple other pathogens. Additionally, roaches can aggravate your allergies, and some people are actually allergic to cockroaches themselves. Aside from all of these biological factors, cockroaches can also cause long-term damage to your home – especially if you’ve allowed the infestation to grow unencumbered.
Let’s cover the most pressing stuff first. Once a cockroach infestation has been established, you’ll begin to notice roach droppings throughout the home (especially under sinks and inside the pantry). These droppings resemble black pepper or coffee grounds. You’ll also find the occasional dead cockroach or cockroach body part strewn about. Although these occurrences won’t damage the home, they will be blights on the property that you’ll have to clean up. If you ever want to resell your home, you’ll need to remove all signs of previous cockroach infestations.
Another common problem: smell. A home with a cockroach infestation will develop an oily smell that is considered quite pungent. Even after a cockroach infestation has been eliminated, it takes some time for the smell to dissipate.